Which Pieces Should You Dry Clean?

Relying solely on the washing instructions isn’t the best way to keep your clothes in great shape. You should take a look at the fabric the item is made from. The type of fabric matters a lot more than what the manufacturer may suggest. In some cases, the quality of your washing machine and your hand washing skills make a difference, too.

Fabrics that should be dry cleaned

With linen, you have a few options. You can hand wash in cold and air dry but it often requires ironing. Linen is made from flax fibers and is known for being cool and fresh in hot weather. If washed incorrectly, it can lose its crispness and clean finishing. Dry cleaning is often best for linen clothing. 

Rayon is a tricky fabric because it’s considered semisynthetic. It is made from purified cellulose fiber. Dyes may bleed when washed and rayon can shrink or lose its shape when washed in warm water. Hand washing in cold water with mild detergent is an option, but it is generally safer to dry clean this fabric. 

Silk is a natural material and thus is durable. Known to be a more luxurious fabric, it takes proper care to keep it soft and, yes, silky. The dyes in silk tend to bleed and that is why it should be dry cleaned or hand washed in cold water. You should also use a mild-detergent. Dry cleaning silk tends to be easier at this point, especially if it’s an article of clothing you really care about.

Wool is a sturdy fabric and should be dry cleaned whenever possible. When it’s not possible, hand wash in cold because it will shrink in any warm or hot water. It’s a durable fabric and will last a long time when cared for properly.

Sometimes it depends

Many natural fabrics can be hand washed and then air dried. However, this takes time and talent and you still run the risk of harming your clothes. If you’re particularly attached to certain articles or use them for work or dressy occasions, go ahead and dry clean. You may still prefer to use a dry cleaner but you can get away with hand washing them yourself. 

Dry cleaning is always professionally done at Hollywood dry cleaners with environmentally friendly detergents and experienced staff.