Some rugs are simple, inexpensive accessories. While others are valuable and treasured family heirlooms, in some cases worth tens of thousands of dollars. But regardless of its cost, a great rug decorates and beautifies your home.

Unfortunately, dirt can embed in rug fibers, and stains can accumulate, eventually giving your area rugs a dingy, drab look. Meanwhile, the longer a rug is left to languish, the faster it decays and the shorter its lifespan. Plus, the debris and germs that can gather in a rug over time are not healthy for you or your family.

The good news is, no matter the value or origins of your favorite area rug, proper cleaning will ensure it lasts for a lifetime, and even longer.

And Hollywood Dry Cleaners can help! Our expert cleaning services will deep clean your rug, which also improves the cleanliness of your living space. And extends your rug’s life span, giving you years of future enjoyment.

While Hollywood Dry Cleaners is known as expert clothes cleaners, we’re also the community’s best area rug cleaners.

Highlights of Our Area Rug Cleaning Expertise

  • Over 20 years of experience as a top-tier dry cleaner
  • We have all the tools, and we’ve mastered all the techniques of the trade.
  • And we have what it takes to clean the dirtiest rugs, the toughest rug stains.

Have questions or need a price estimate? Call Hollywood Dry Cleaners TODAY for more details! +1 (323) 465-5564

And don’t forget to ask about our area rug cleaning pick up and delivery service – We’ll grab your area rug and return it fresh and clean to your front door.

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Here are a few tips for caring for your area rugs:

It's important to rotate them regularly so they are worn evenly

When you Are going to transport your rug, make sure you roll them up

If a spill occurs, blot the stain and remove solid debris quickly

If despite those tips and tricks your area rug is still in need of cleaning, call us today at +1 (323) 828-1344 and find out how we can get your rug back into tip-top shape.