Dry Clean and Laundry Myths Dispelled: Myth #1

In the next several articles we will talk about dry clean and laundry myths that keep circulating with amazing vitality. We would like to dispel these myths so that you do not make the same mistakes with your favorite clothes as the myths suggest.

Myth #1. More detergent makes your clothes cleaner
We are all guilty of making this same mistake over and over again. However, this one is pretty easy to dispel, and the explanation is pretty simple. More is not better when it comes to the quantity of detergent. We all do this, in fact, particularly when we are dealing with garments that are greased more than usual. It comes as an instinct to try to protect our favorite items and bring their freshness back.

When using too much detergent we create an excessive foam that actually redeposits soil onto our clothing.

Most liquid detergents have measuring caps but the problem is that the measuring lines are not easily visible sometimes or the instructions do not look self-explanatory. So we try to use more to clean better.