Generally, all seasonal clothes should be cleaned before being stored. Some stains might be impossible to remove after 6 months if you don’t pay close attention to them before storing them. Quality dry cleaning might be essential here. Some stains may be invisible at first but become observable over time if not properly cleaned. Another reason to clean your clothes before storing them is that smelly clothes could attract different bugs, which will eventually damage your favorite clothes.
Washing your winter pieces to prepare for the summer is essential. You may use dry cleaning services near you and make sure the whole dry cleaning procedure is done by professionals or just clean it by yourself.
Your coats and sweaters may have stains or smells. Wool coats, sweaters, pants, and gloves can typically be cleaned in the washing machine. However, coats made of delicate items like leather and fur should be taken to a dry cleaning service before being stored.
Here are some tips on how to store your winter clothes:
Do you want to keep that piece of clothing?
Before packing your clothes away for six months, you should take the time to carefully consider if you want to keep each piece. You may donate items that haven’t worn in a year or a year and a half. You could also try selling your clothes online or at a consignment shop. If you’re on the fence about a piece, you could try it on, and it might not look the same way you remember.
Protect your clothes from bugs and moisture
Use plastic bins instead of cardboard or light boxes because these could easily break or be damaged. When storing large items like heavy trench coats, you could vacuum seal them in order to save space. Also, keep the bins in a safe and dry place. Avoid the attic or the basement, as these areas are not well-ventilated or temperature controlled.
Dry cleaning is the key
Dry clean your clothes or bring them to Hollywood Dry Cleaners. As a result, your clothing items will have:
No stains:
Most people know they need to wash their clothing before packing it away. But a simple wash in the washing machine can’t help you avoid discoloration during the months of disuse. Tiny particles clinging onto your clothes can quickly turn into a large, problematic stain if left unattended in a box for a period of time. Doing dry cleaning is the only way to avoid this problem and prevent any new stains from forming. Dry cleaning is better done by professional experts.
Last-minute repairs:
Sometimes we don’t pay enough attention to the small holes in our clothes. Sure, we told ourselves we would have it repaired later, but we probably completely forgot about it. You can avoid this scenario. Drop your clothes off at the dry cleaning service before packing them up. Here at Hollywood Dry Cleaners, we can make any necessary repairs quickly so the garment will be ready to go when you need it.
Great smelling:
It’s always unpleasant to open up a box of old clothing and be greeted by the telltale musty scent of disuse. You will have to wash everything before you even get the chance to wear it, just to remove that smell. Luckily, dry cleaning services know the best ways to prevent the smell. Instead of being greeted with that “old clothes smell,” your clothes will smell fresh and be ready to wear! You can do this with the help of our experts at Hollywood Dry Cleaners.
Now you know WHY you need to clean your clothes before storing them and as mentioned above, Hollywood Dry Cleaners is always ready to help you store your freshly cleaned seasonal clothes.