Why You Should Only Take Your Wedding Dress to a Professional and Reputable Cleaning Service?

The wedding day is one of the most memorable and awaited days. So, having the best looking dress for the evening is a MUST.
You may wonder if it is safe to let a professional cleaning service take care of your dress. The answer is definitely yes, and here are several reasons why!

  • Fabric types change day by day, so do the wedding dress styles and cleaners are able to look after these new materials because they are constantly interacting with designers and fabric makers to learn the best ways to care for them. The staff will usually need to take training courses and test the techniques used to clean stains and wash these fabrics. So me cleaning companies also work with professional organizations such as Dry Cleaning Institute of America to learn how to deal with different types of material. The wedding dress truly needs good care!


  • It is safer to trust cleaning services since they store the wedding dress in a proper place rather than hang off of a clothes hanger, which may cause damage by stretching the fabric. The natural fabrics of the wedding dress needs to be stored in a place where it can breathe and maintain its integrity. Keeping the wedding dress (as it is usually done) in a plastic cellophane bag is not the best option for the dress.


  • Nowadays cleaning services avoid the chemicals known to be very detrimental to delicate fabrics. Many companies have upgraded to a powerful organic cleaning system. So taking your wonderful wedding dress to a professional cleaning service is not only safe for the materials that comprise your gown, but also more effective at cleaning and washing it. It is also environmentally-friendly so you know you are doing your part to keep nature cleaner.

Let professionals take good care of your wedding dress, transforming your beautiful gown into a family heirloom inherited and adored by future generations.