5 Household Items Needing More Attention

You can be the queen of cleanness, but still not manage to reach some areas where dirt and germs tend to gather. You should either stick to a very strict monthly routine or just contact a trustworthy cleaning service. Household items need more attention!
After the outbreak of the pandemic we have become more cautious towards germ-conscious activities. The cleaning customs have changed and become more frequent.

Since the Covid-19 is still “popular” we have prepared a list of household items, which need cleaning and care especially now.

So, let’s start:

  1. Pillows, cushions and sheets

    All the above mentioned items need weekly freshening and cleaning. They need extra care and attention. There might be accumulation of sweat and skin cells. That is why these items should be cleaned several times a year. This is when cleaning services can save you time and energy.

  2. Bath mats

    The rugs in bathrooms have a lot of  bacteria and even fungi on them. This is usually because of water and moist surroundings. If you do not want to step on a dirty mat, full of mildew, bacteria and fungi, you better think of a cleaning schedule. Those tiny microorganisms need attention or they multiply quite fast. Washing the bathroom rugs should be done with the usage of special materials, not to harm the fabrics.

  3. Dish towels and hand towels

    Dish towels need to get more attention and appear in the washing machine more often. Bacteria is often left on our wet hands, which are dried via dish towels. The same story may be told about hand towels. They as well pick up microorganisms and bacteria missed while washing.

  4. Leather goods (wallets, purses, notebooks)

    Did you know that leather absorbs grease and oils. That is why leather items need special attention and care. Usually cleaning companies train their staff how to treat leather. They clean and protect leather goods from water spotting.

  5. Tote bags, shopping bags

Some reusable shopping bags need specific care instructions. If the bags are made of plastic or nylon they should be hand washed with warm, not hot water.

These were just several household items which actually need more attention and careful cleaning treatment.