3 Shoe Care Mistakes to Avoid

It is quite important to take good care of your shoes, so you can wear them for many years in the future. You need some knowledge about treating different fabrics in order to take good care of your shoes. Here’s a list of shoe care mistakes which might lead to unnecessary throwing away of your favorite shoes.

Let’s see which are the most common mistakes, for which we are going to offer solutions.

1. Wearing the same shoes everyday Choose a type of shoe that you are comfortable in and wear that type of shoes every day. But very often even though you might have many pairs of shoes, you have a favorite pair that you wear almost every day. The leather soaks up the perspiration given off by your feet, as you wear the shoes quite often. If they do not dry completely, there is a chance that your shoes will begin to smell. They will also become worn out very quickly.

Solution: You may always apply to Hollywood Dry Cleaners shoe repair service and have them repaired as soon as possible.
Another option is to rotate your shoes regularly. When not wearing your shoes, you should store them properly, for example use shoe trees. They can maintain the shape of the shoe and let them dry sufficiently. Shoe trees made from cedar wood can absorb the moisture and provide a fresh aroma. You can as well disinfect your shoes also with spray, which will work in a night. 

2. Storing your shoes without treating them
It’s not necessary to treat your shoes immediately after you enter home. Clean them after you have relaxed a little bit, because if you don’t, the leather in your shoes can crack and you won’t get rid of any stains out of your shoes. They will look absolutely worn out and not neat, and that’s not what you want!
Hollywood Dry Cleaners professional staff knows how to treat your shoes properly, but in case you want to treat your shoes yourself, you will need to condition your shoes on a regular base keeping the leather supple and the color fresh. 

3. Throwing away your shoes without a repair
Treating your shoes accurately can extend their lifetime, but having your shoes repaired can also make a difference. You don’t have to throw away your pair of shoes,  just because of a broken heel, zipper or any other possible problem.

At Hollywood Dry Cleaners we are capable of solving all the problems that will prevent you from having shoes with flawless appearance.