3 Easy Ways to Protect Rugs

Let’s speak the truth: quality rugs are expensive! We pay the money to have those beauties decoration our houses and we do not want them to lose their brilliance.

Rugs can really add something magnificent to a room or its inner décor, but they are also attracting a lot of dust and you should deal with it.

Here is when cleaning services are there to help us. But in case you want to have some tips of how to protect the rugs, here are 3 tips for you:

1.Protect your rugs from pets

In order to protect your rugs and reduce the damage risk from pets, you should consult with the sales clerk to get a more pet-friendly rug. You had better choose a darker colour to hide chew marks or anything caused by those fun creatures. Anyway if you have pets, you should definitely keep an eye on the rug, using professional cleaning service applications to trust your rugs with. The professional deep cleaning will assure a perfect appearance and will surprise your guests.

2.Use the hoover more often

Vacuum your rugs at least twice a week to clean the dust and debris. Dirt likes to dive deeper into fabrics if it is not appropriate attention to.  This fact makes it harder to be removed. You may as well shake the rug a little bit, to get rid of any loose grit or dirt. This is preferable before hoovering. Try to be gentle with the vacuum cleaner not to damage the fabrics of the rug.
Before buying a rug you can research about the washable types of fabrics. There are easily washable ones! Choose them! Easy, right?
In any case, professional cleaners know how to deal with rugs, trust them.

3.Spillages need to be cleaned as soon as possible

Oh, you spilled coffee, wine or any beverage on your rug? What should you do next?
Act quick! Soak it up quickly for it not to penetrate into the yarnsTry to be careful and not to rub as this can damage the rug. After the whole liquid is soaked up you may contact the cleaning service and ask them for a piece of advice or just a pick up of your beautiful rug.